Digital Upskilling

Rapid Digitization, Lasting Impact: Setting Up a Powerful Digitization Squad From Scratch

Explore how our Digital Upskilling service empowered OTP Bank’s workforce to
revolutionize internal processes, driving efficiency and innovation in today's digital era.

8 sessions
of skill transfer
50% faster
digitization delivery

Time is money  

In a world where efficiency is key, the battle against outdated, manual processes rages on and the same question is raised by many companies:

How can we streamline our way-of-work in a smart, sustainable way?

Our answer to that is by aquiring digitization capabilities, as these have proven to be a huge asset in fighting for streamlined and efficient internal processes.

The Challenge

OTP, a leading CEE bank group recently realized the need for sustainable solutions to replace traditional pen-and-paper activities that consume tremendous resources - both human and financial.

Central IT teams couldn’t keep up anymore with the ever-growing backlog of requests, so our client came to the decision to build a dedicated team with the task to create local efficiency-enhancing solutions without the need to wait for developer capacity.

Once the decision was made, one question remained:
How will they enable a team with no digitization background to innovate and improve manual processes?

Our approach

We stepped in to help this newly formed team grow into their role as dedicated innovators and empower them
with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle complex digital transformational challenges.

Our Digital Upskilling service focuses on sustainable and hands-on support:

  • help define the vision and goals for the Squad for a solid foundation and strategic direction
  • teach them digitization skills from scoping, through concept design, to technological implementation
  • keep the focus on low-code tools to be able to innovate fast & cheap
  • walk them through their first project to put their newly acquired knowledge to practice with our support

The outcome

In just four weeks, the supported Squad stunned OTP’s Solution Architects with rapid value creation that they never thought possible in such a short timeframe. The pilot project showcased the power of digitization skills and low-code development, outpacing traditional centralized development and proving the team's ability to create valuable efficiency-enhancing solutions.

Armed with a roadmap for long-term skill development they can continue to generate value even as they grow in numbers – and support more diverse teams and processes throughout the bank.

Our Impact

Already with the pilot project’s reduced development time from the estimated 0.5-1 year (according to Solution Architect team) to a mere 2.5 months, the bank achieved a 50% to 70% reduction of resources on the project, leading to substantial cost savings. By equipping OTP’s own team with the necessary skills to innovate and cope with digitization challenges,
we enabled our client to continue generating value, streamline processes and save considerably on operational cost with their own, existing resources.

Explore more of our work

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